Fri 5/8/20 Sofia Gaffigan Viewed
Recap of 5/7 lesson

Hi Sofia!

Great job keeping your violin on your shoulder this week!

Please see the picture below for the proper bow grip. You will have to compare your own bow grip with the picture as often as you can.

Here is your homework for this week:

  1. Windshield wiper exercise with PINKY ON TIP AND BENT (30 times)
  2. G Major Scale (with metronome 50, 2 beats each) - if you pause somewhere, go back to the previous note and try again!
  3. 3rd finger exercise on G string (with and without the bow)
  4. Suzuki #4 Go Tell Aunt Rhodie (remember to play the quarter notes longer, and 8th notes faster) - I won't record this one so try your best to figure out the notes and the rhythm, nice and slow.

Check out this video!

Have a wonderful week!

Teacher Lily

3rd finger exercise on G

Img 2440


G major with metronome

Teacher: Lily L.

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